The anatomical difference between the two kinds of sex cell is often extreme. In particular, the human egg is eighty-five thousand times larger than the human sperm. The consequences of this gametic dimorphism ramify throughout the biology and psychology of the human sex. The most important immediate result is that the female places a greater investment in each of her sex cells. A woman can expect to produce only about four hundred eggs in her lifetime. Of these a maximum of twenty can be converted into healthy infants. The costs of bringing an infant to term and caring for it afterward are relatively enormous. In contrast, a man releases 100 million sperm with each ejaculation. Once he has achieved fertilization his purely physical commitment has ended. His genes will benefit equally with those of the female, but his investment will be far less than hers unless she can induce him to contribute to the care of the offspring. If a man were given total freedom to act, he could theoretically inseminate thousands of women in his lifetime.
The resulting conflict of interest between the sexes is property of not only human beings but also the majority of animal species. Males are characteristically aggressive, especially toward one another and most intensely during the breeding season. In most species, assertiveness is the most profitable male strategy. During the full period of time it takes to bring a fetus too term, from the fertilization of the egg to the birth of the infant, one male can fertilize many females but a female can be fertilized by only one male. Thus if males are able to court one female after another, some will be big winners and others will be absolute losers, while virtually all healthy females will succeed in being fertilized. It pays males to be aggressive, hasty, fickle, and undiscriminating. In theory it is more profitable for females to be coy, to hold back until they can identify males with the best genes. In species that rear young, it is also important for the females to select males who are more likely to stay with them after insemination.
On Human Nature. E.O. Wilson, p. 124-125.
The Difference Is In Perception (How People Perceive The Sexually Promiscuous Male And How People Perceive The Sexually Promiscuous Female) And Our Perceptions Are Partly Based On Innate Psychological Biases And Partly Based On Sexual Mores. In Essence*, Females Evolved To Be The More Sexually Discriminating And More Sexually Restrained Gender Because They Have Fewer Sex Cells (Eggs) To Waste, Can Only Produce One Offspring Per Year For A Limited Number Of Years, And Endure Severe Mating Costs Per Pregnancy (9 Months Of Being A Host To A Parasite). Consequently, Over Millions Of Years, Males And Females Evolved To Perceive Females To Be This Way (To Be More Sexually Selective And More Sexually Conservative). This Coupled With The Mores That Society Has Created Over Thousands Of Years Regarding Female Sexual Thought And Behavior Leads Us To Expect Certain Sexual Thought And Behavior From Females And To Call Them Sluts Or Whores If They Violate These Expectations. So, To Sum It Up, Evolution, Because Of Reproductive Costs, Has Biased Humans To Expect Females To Be A Certain Way Sexually (More Choosy, Less Risky, More Sexually Conservative Overall) And If They Don't Conform To These Sexual Expectations We Criticize And Persecute Them (And Sometimes Prosecute Them).

Mangan @Mangan150 · 2h
Trivers' parental investment theory predicts that when women depend less on men, they will dig jerks.
If Females Are Economically Independent They Won't Have To Rely On Men As Heavily To Provide For Them Financially, So They'll Be More Likely To Pursue Relationships With CADS (Sexy Sons) Who'll Be Inclined To Invest Little More Than Their SPERM In Their Relationships. (The Pressure For Women To Find A Male Who Can Provide Resources (Wealth) Will Lessen When Females Are Able To Provide Resources For Themselves (Generate Their Own Wealth) And Once They're Able To Generate Their Own Wealth They'll Be FREE To Choose Males With Good Genes (Sexy Sons) Who Tend To Be CADS And Who Tend To Invest Less In Relationships And Offspring! They Also Tend To Be Circle Jerks*!)
*Why Do They Tend To Be Jerks? Because Intrasexual Selection (Male-Male Competition) Drives Them To Use Manipulative And Exploitative Psychological Tactics To Win Mates, So The Most Psychopathic Inclined, The Most Selfish, And Least Empathetic Have An Advantage. And These Types Of Males Typically Treat Women Like Jerks (Take Advantage Of Them, Misuse Them, Mistreat Them, And Then Leave Them With A Baby And NO MONEY).
Zhana Vrangalova PhD @DrZhana · 2h
Y ppl get enraged when women have lot of sex? Women's economic dependency on men is partly to blame.
3) Women can be quite dastardly too.The science of sex tells us that the romantic comedies lie. Sex is an area where nice guys do finish last:In one survey of men, Trapnell and Meston (1996) found that nice guys who were modest, agreeable, and unselfish were disadvantaged in sexual relationships. Men who were manipulative, arrogant, calculating, and sly were more sexually active and had a greater variety of sexual experiences and a greater number of sex partners. [Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy]Women are very often attracted to bad boys like James Bond. In fact, research shows young women sometimes prefer out-and-out jerks:In the end, young women may continue to claim that they find certain qualities in a “good guy” nice guy as highly desirable and that they want to be in a committed relationship with one man as their ultimate goal, but, at the same time, they seem content to spend “the meantime and in-between-time” going out with fun/sexy guys who may or may not turn into “jerks.”
Empirically, evidence for the benefits of being bad keep popping up in my datasets and in my literature reviews. I first noticed it in 2006 while I was analyzing a dataset for a presentation I gave at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference that year. While I was doing all sorts of fancy mediation analyses to see how schizotypy, creativity, and mating success were linked, one striking direct path to mating success stood out to me: low agreeableness; the lower the agreeableness, the more sexual partners. Interestingly, this link held only for the men in my sample. When I looked into the literature, I saw others pretty much found the same thing. Daniel Nettle
has reported a significant negative correlation between agreeableness and number of sexual partners in a sample of 545 people. And other researchers such as David Schmitt and David Buss have found across cultures a relation between low agreeableness and more infidelity, more sexual partners, and less loyalty to mates.
Things don't stop there. When you branch out and look at all the other traits comprised in the construct "asshole" (I am here and now operationalizing this word!), you see they also do a good job predicting number of sexual partners. Like conscientiousness. In the words of Nettle, "Less conscientious individuals favor immediate opportunities, with little regard for their future consequences. They are impulsive about pleasures and procrastinate about work. In mating, they are more promiscuous, more likely to be unfaithful, and more likely to have impulsive, unsafe sex under the influence of alcohol or drugs." Tucker Max. Tucker Max. Tucker Max.
This seemed like the biggest mystery of Bouchard's career (I'm not even going to speculate why Bouchard found this topic so fascinating). Matt responded that perhaps being a jerk is a fitness indicator: those who take-risks and and are bad despite the costs do so because they can afford to. And this is a signal of good genes. I think there is definitely something to this: bad boys tend to have lots of positive traits that come along for the ride of the badness such as good looks, confidence, creativity, humor, charisma, high energy, and good social skills-- all things women find attractive (my research with Glenn Geher and other researchers on Mating Intelligence does suggest that these traits by themselves along with some other skills of the asshole such as mind-reading, self-deception and other-deception can be predictive of number of sexual partners as well as college "hook-up" behaviors). And for the jerk, these traits can mask the shallowness that lies beneath (although the truth almost always eventually comes out).
Daniel Nettle has argued that it's all about mating strategy tradeoffs. Since being good and being bad both have their advantages (and disadvantages) in the mating game, this is enough to keep both traits and the preference for those traits in the gene pool. For example, high conscientiousness can increase trust, fidelity, and parental investment but also can decrease opportunistic matings. Jerks take advantage of every sexual opportunity in sight. Likewise, those high in the related trait agreeableness can increase cooperation, joint investment, sympathy, and fidelity but they too can decrease opportunistic matings and status-seeking. These strategies are fluid across the life-span: the long-time womanizer may decide to finally settle down, and the agreeable nice guy who has been burned one too many times may decide to become a pickup-artist.
Many male apes and monkeys will go to great lengths to stake their sexual claim to as many females as possible, and to police them from other males—as a male reproductive strategy, this has its advantages. But they also tend to attack females as punishment for sexual “infidelity,” or for even flirting with other males, such as by grooming them. Dominant chimpanzees will bypass the male of a tangoing pair and thrash the philandering female. Male apes chasing, restraining, biting, hitting, or dragging females all have been widely documented.
Men follow similar patterns of behavior. Research world-wide reveals that sexual jealousy is the primary driver behind domestic abuse and spousal homicide, which is almost always committed by men against women. Because men have historically been the makers of law, they have often coded law to favor male evolutionary strategies. For instance, until staggeringly recently (1974), it was legal in Texas to kill your wife if you caught her horizonalizing with a rival male.
No big surprise—men have also overwhelmingly been the makers of religious dicta, and its more chilling content often reflects distinctively male evolutionary concerns: “If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her…stone them to death—the young woman because she was in a town and did not scream for help” (Deut: 22:23–24). Men, in other words, have projected their inherited reproductive worries onto God. In the Old Testament God turns out to be particularly obsessed with infidelity as when he erupts against his wives Samaria and Jerusalem:
And I will direct my jealousy against you, that they may deal with you in fury. They shall cut off your nose and your ears, and your survivors shall fall by the sword…They shall also strip you of your clothes and take away your beautiful jewels…Your lewdness and promiscuity have brought this on you, because you lusted after the nations and defiled yourself with their idols. (Ezek. 23: 25–30)There are many more passages such as this, which beg the question: Why would an omnipotent being who can crush any potential rival, or, as the purported Creator, even prevent them from ever existing, have a need to punish the infidelity of his females? Why does God so persistently seem to have woman trouble? And why is he so uptight about other people’s sexual behavior? A God who is everlasting and immortal, and who therefore never needs to reproduce himself into the future, needn’t to be so concerned with who inserts what into whom.
But across human history, religious men have claimed alliance with the most dominant male in the Universe, and used the authority of this evolutionarily intuitive male figure to justify a nasty menu of inhumanities against women, inevitably as a means to control their sexuality, not to exclude acid attacks, burning, death by stoning, or even cutting off noses and gouging out the eyes. We might expect this kind of abject brutality from the Dark Ages, but this is simply a description of what goes on today. One offshoot of this behavior is so-called “honor” killing, which today is concentrated in Muslim countries. But the Quran is certainly not unique among the Abrahamic scriptures in containing passages like this one:
Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other…Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them…Surely God is high, supreme. (Quran, 4:34)
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