In many ways, tube sites like PornHub are technological innovations that are perfectly designed to appeal to the male sexual brain. They offer unlimited visual stimuli that can be easily searched by body part, age, and weight. Video streaming technology allows viewers to instantly jump ahead to the good stuff - or pause to examine some especially enticing visual. Many men spend hours online each week hunting for images that perfectly match their own personal set of cued and uncued interests.
Male desire is instantly activated by visual cues and is directed toward immediate action - in particular, behavior leading toward orgasm. Once male desire is triggered, it does not easily subside. As comedian Louis C.K. put it, "If you showed me my mother's decapitated head while I was fucking, I would tell you 'We're going to have to talk about this just as soon as I'm done.'"
On the internet, male desire is a solitary affair. Men sit alone clicking on videos and images, rarely seeking to share their tastes and experiences with other men. Other men's opinions about what is sexy are irrelevant or distracting. Men don't require any information about a woman other than what they can see with their own eyes. They're also quite happy to masturbate in the airplane bathroom or at the back of a university classroom - or in their office at the Pentagon.
Solitary, quick to arouse, goal-oriented, driven to hunt...and a little foolish. In other words, the male brain's desire software is like Elmer Fudd. Fudd, the comic foil of Bugs Bunny in the Looney Tunes cartoons, is always on the hunt for a specific target: rabbits. Or as Fudd says it, wabbits. Fudd is a solitary hunter who likes to work alone. The moment he sees a wabbit - or thinks he sees a wabbit - he squeezes the trigger and fires. Fudd is easily fooled by ducks dressed up as rabbits and other tricks played on him by Bugs Bunny. But even when Fudd shoots his gun at a phony rabbit, he never gets discouraged. He reloads and gets back out there. Tomorrow's another day for the hunt. Another chance to get a wabbit.
But if male software is like Elmer Fudd, what about female desire?
Meredith Chivers is an assistant professor of psychology at Queen's University in Canada. As the director of the Sexuality and Gender Laboratory at the university, she is one of the world's leading researchers on the neurophysiology of female desire. In 1004, Chivers conducted an ingenious experiment to find out what turns women on.
She invited women to her lab and showed them a variety of erotic pictures. Chivers measured their arousal from viewing the pictures in two different ways. First, she asked them how they felt - a measure of conscious, psychological arousal. Second, she inserted a plethysmograph into their vaginas - the female version of the device...The plethysmograph measured blood flow in women's vaginal walls - a measure of physical arousal. But the most interesting part of Chiver's experiment was the pictures themselves.
They consisted of photographs depicting exercising men, exercising women, gay sex, lesbian sex, straight sex - and monkey sex. One of the images showed copulating bonobos, a type of primate also known as the pygmy chimpanzee.
So which images elicited physical arousal in the women? All the images, even the monkey porn. Women's vaginal blood flow increased after viewing each erotic picture. Which images elicited psychological arousal - which caused the women to say they were turned on? Heterosexual sex generated the greatest psychological arousal, followed by lesbian sex. Watching people exercise wasn't much of a turn-on. The reported amount of psychological arousal from watching monkey porn? A very emphatic zero.
In other words, there was a dissociation between the conscious arousal of the mind and the unconscious (or semiconscious) arousal of the body. When the exact same experiment was conducted with male subjects, there was virtually no dissociation between the two types of arousal. If a man was physically turned on, he was also psychologically turned on. And none of the men got turned on by monkey sex.
This intriguing disassociation between the mind and body in women seems to reflect a common experience among women that is frequently unvoiced. "Thanks to you women who wrote about the dichotomy between getting turned on and (intellectually) being turned off," writes one women on Salon.com, in response to an article addressing why women don't watch porn. "Just last night my husband was asking me to watch porn with him and I was trying to explain that after about 10 minutes of it I'm more turned off than on (even if I'm turned on too - the other part won't let me enjoy it). I think it would be easier to be a guy when it comes to porn - having all this conflicting stuff flying around my brain and body makes me crazy."
In the same online discussion, when several men expressed disbelief that it's possible to be physically aroused and psychologically grossed out, another woman responded: "It's hard not to notice when your panties are soaking wet. It's just that being aroused by something that disgusts you is very, very unpleasant."
After obtaining her provocative results, Chivers reviewed 132 different laboratory studies published between 1969 and 2007 that simultaneously investigated physical and psychological arousal. The results were very clear. Men experienced a strong correlation between the arousal of mind and body. Women did not. In fact, the correlation between physical and psychological arousal in women was so low that it's safe to say a woman's vaginal lubrication is a poor predictor of what she is actually feeling. In fact, many women report lubrication and even orgasm during unwanted and coercive sex: a woman's body responds, even as her mind rebels. In contrast, if a man is erect, you can make a very reasonable guess about what's going on in his mind.
The conclusions from Meredith Chiver's groundbreaking research are inescapable: psychological and physical arousal are usually linked in men, but in women there's a disconnect. It's as if the carnal signs from a woman's body somehow get cut off before they enter her conscious awareness. Male sexuality, in contrast, is like the knee-jerk reflex: a message of arousal from the body triggers instant mental desire. Elmer Fudd readies, aims, fires at the slightest hint of a wabbit.
This is a profound difference in the brain software of men and women. It explains why the pharmaceutical industry's quest for female Viagra kept running into dead ends. Stimulating the vagina or the spine does not automatically fire up desire in the conscious mind. Instead, women need to feel psychologically aroused...
When contemplating sex with a man, a woman has to consider the long term. This consideration may not even be conscious, but rather is part of unconscious software that has evolved to protect (CONTINUE READING IN THE PAGE BELOW)
women over hundreds of thousands of years. Sex could commit a woman to a substantial, life-altering investment: pregnancy, nursing, and more than a decade of child raising. The commitments require enormous time, resources, and energy. Sex with the wrong guy could lead to many unpleasant outcomes. If a man abandons her, she would face the challenges of single motherhood. If the man turns out to be cruel, he might injure her or her children. If the man turns out to be weak or incompetent, he might fail to protect her from threats.
A women's sexual desire must be filtered through a careful appraisal of these potential risks. During human prehistory, women who blindly gave in to every sexual urge likely faced a host of daunting challenges, including - in the most extreme cases - death. Most important from an evolutionary point of view, her children would have had a harder time surviving than the children of a woman who limited the expression of her sexual urges to a strong and decent man willing to invest in a stable, long-term, child-rearing relationship. All modern women are the fruit of feminine caution. The result of this whittling away of the impulsive branches of our ancestral maternal tree is a female brain equipped with the most sophisticated neural software on Earth. A system designed to uncover, scrutinize, and evaluate a dazzling range of informative clues. We've dubbed this female neural system the Miss Marple Detective Agency.
Agatha Christie's fictional detective Miss Marple is an independent, neatly dressed elderly lady who appears to be sweet and frail. She lives alone and enjoys knitting and weeding her garden. Others dismiss her as scatterbrained or erratic. However, she is actually A SHREWD JUDGE OF HUMAN CHARACTER AND HARBORS DEEP KNOWLEDGE OF THE DARK SIDE OF HUMAN NATURE..
On average, girls age twelve to seventeen send and receive eighty texts a day; boys send and receive thirty. More woman than men use social networking sites like Facebook, Classmates, Twitter, and MySpace. Women also have more friends on these sites. (Digg, a Web site where users rate news stories, is the rare exception of a social network with more male users.) Fifty-nine percent of teenage girls call friends on their cell phone every day, while only 42 percent of boys do. The social detective appears to be located mainly within the frontal cortex, including the prefrontal cortex. The areas of the frontal cortex devoted to language are larger in women and develop more rapidly during puberty in girls than in boys. There are also more connections between the female language centers and the subcortical reward systems, suggesting the talking is more rewarding for women than for men. Female brains also have greater connectivity between the two cortical hemispheres, leading some neuroscientists to speculate that the female brain is designed for more effective processing and production of language.
Cultural information helps Miss Marple play it safe: Who does society value more, doctors or software programmers? Can I get away with wearing a tattoo on my back or will people think it's a "tramp stamp"? Can I post photos on Facebook of me in my bathing suit or will guys think I look fat? Since women must always consider the long-term consequences of their sexual decisions, a woman's brain is designed to evaluate the particular cultural conditions in which she finds herself.
How Women Dismantle NATIONS * / & other UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTHS
Ladies, Listen From The 6:28 Mark To The 7:41 Mark!
Situation With Women Is That They're Highly Inclined To Conform To
Social Norms...Women End Up Adopting These Views In Order To Receive
Their Peers Acceptance...Women Dread Being Seen As Social Pariahs...
Why is the female brain designed to play it safe? Because historically, the odds of a woman reproducing are very good. In fact, today's human population is descended from twice as many women as men. According to recent DNA analysis, through the history of the human race about 80 percent of the women reproduced. Only 40 percent of men reproduced. This means that plenty of men were able to have children with multiple women - but the majority of men never had any kids. Roy Baumeister observes the psychological consequences for a man:
If you go along with the crowd and play it safe, the odds are you won't have any children. Most men who ever lived did not have descendants who are alive today. Their lines were dead ends. Hence it was necessary to take chances...Sailing off into the unknown may be risky, and you might drown or be killed, but if you stay home you won't reproduce anyway. We're descended from men who took chances (and were lucky).
For women throughout history, the odds of reproducing have been pretty good. Taking chances like [sailing off into the unknown] would be stupid, from the perspective of a biological organism seeking to reproduce. Women might drown or be killed by savages or catch a disease. For women, the optimal thing to do is go along with the crowd, be nice, play it safe. The odds are good that men will come along and offer sex and you'll be able to have babies. All that matters is choosing the best offer. We're descended from women who played it safe.
Throughout most of our history only a subset of men managed to reproduce, but almost all women did. Janet L Factor.
SteveStewartWilliams Retweeted
SteveStewartWilliams Retweeted
in USA, high status men have more offspring than low status men (reverse found among women)

A woman's social environment is also crucial. Does a woman have a network of family and friends who can help provide emotional support and assist with child care? Does this social network approve of her partner? Is a woman in a position in her career where she can take time out for a relationship and to possibly raise children? Are there any other decent men available?
For a woman, context is everything.
Study after study has demonstrated the erotic appeal of male dominance. Women prefer the voiced of dominant men, the scent of dominant men, the movement and gait of dominant men, and the facial features of dominant men. The social organization of most primates features a very clear dominance hierarchy.
Chimpanzees and baboons boast alpha males, who obtain that position through a combination of physical strength and political savvy, while alpha gorillas attain their status through brute size and strength. Scientists believe that the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex may be responsible for for processing cues indicating social status or dominance, and it appears that almost all female brains are susceptible to dominance cues. "I met [Bill Clinton] as part of a governmental panel while he was president. I'm a lesbian, but the powerful attraction I felt toward him for an instant made me question whether I really was!"
Chimpanzees and baboons boast alpha males, who obtain that position through a combination of physical strength and political savvy, while alpha gorillas attain their status through brute size and strength. Scientists believe that the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex may be responsible for for processing cues indicating social status or dominance, and it appears that almost all female brains are susceptible to dominance cues. "I met [Bill Clinton] as part of a governmental panel while he was president. I'm a lesbian, but the powerful attraction I felt toward him for an instant made me question whether I really was!"
Biologists have discovered that the ventromedial region of the prefrontal cortex in female chimpanzees is associated with the determination of other chimps' position in a dominance hierarchy. The sexual authority of the alpha is also recognized by the Pickup Artist culture made famous by Neil Strauss in his book The Game. This male "seduction community" has developed a set of techniques its practitioners use to seduce women. The techniques are designed to activate women's psychological cues in the same way that Botox, collagen, and implants are designed to artificially trigger men's visual cues. One of the central commandments of pickup artists is to "always be an alpha." As seduction community spokesman Roissy states on his blog, "You don't have to be an asshole, but if you have no choice, being an inconsiderate asshole beats being a polite beta, every time."
Though romances are dominated by Navy SEALs, knights and rock stars, some romance writers have felt that always writing alpha heroes was limiting. They've experimented with softer, more deferent protagonists, often called betas. "What makes the beta her so great: an unshakable core of pure and stalwart good, so constant and abiding it's damn near alpha in its strength," explain Wendell and Tan. The most famous beta hero in romance (and perhaps the first) was Freddy Standen, from Georgette Heyer's Cotillion. Freddy Standen is a slender, "unarresting" man who is oblivious to the events around him. He has a warm and assured place in the hearts of most romance readers. Often, the hero starts out as a beta but then turns into an alpha, such as Avery Thorne in Connie Brockway's My Dearest Enemy, about an eighteenth-century nerd turned unexpectedly hunky.
In psychologist David Buss's classic cross-cultural survey of mate preference across thirty-seven different cultures, women's number one preference in men was "kindness and understanding." If that's the case, what happened to cartoonist Robert Crumb?
"There was this guy name Skutch...he was like this mean bully, but he was also very charming and all the girls liked him. He was the dreamboat, but he was also a bully," laments the cartoonist in the biographical film Crumb. Robert Crumb is a scrawny, hunched artist with Coke-bottle glasses. The kind of guy teased in high school for being a nerd. "I couldn't understand why girls liked these cruel, aggressive guys and not me, 'cause I was more kind and sensitive...I was not very attractive physically, but I didn't think those things really mattered, it was what's inside that was important."
Crumb clearly never read romances or he would have known that when it comes to women's preferences, they don't just want a nice guy - they want an alpha who learns to be nice to her. In other words, women want their romance heroes to be like coconuts: hard and tough on the outside, but soft and sweet on the inside. But the hero's sweet interior can't be available to just anyone. Only the heroine gets to crack him open. The hero is granted free reign to be a badass with everyone else, as long as he's tender and attentive with the heroine.
The heroine's Detective Agency is designed to look for clues indicating that there is a sweet interior worth getting at. Once Miss Marple gathers enough evidence, the female brain then sets out on a mission to tame, heal, or soften the alpha hero's wild heart. The process of the hero getting in touch with his tender side is one of the greatest pleasures of the romance. Scenes where an alpha male express his feelings are always described in rich detail. In the same way that women often find the breathless gasping and moaning of female porn stars to be absurdly inauthentic, male readers of romance might find the emotional confessions of romance heroes to be strangely unfamiliar..
The heroine's Detective Agency is designed to look for clues indicating that there is a sweet interior worth getting at. Once Miss Marple gathers enough evidence, the female brain then sets out on a mission to tame, heal, or soften the alpha hero's wild heart. The process of the hero getting in touch with his tender side is one of the greatest pleasures of the romance. Scenes where an alpha male express his feelings are always described in rich detail. In the same way that women often find the breathless gasping and moaning of female porn stars to be absurdly inauthentic, male readers of romance might find the emotional confessions of romance heroes to be strangely unfamiliar..
There's a scene in Legally Blonde where Elle Woods returns home to campus and notices her awkward friend David trying to pick up a pretty girl. "You're a dork," replies the girl. "Girls like me don't go out with guys like you." Elle hurries over to David and slaps him. "Why didn't you call me? We spent a beautiful night together and I haven't heard from you since." David plays along as the pretty girl watches attentively. After Elle stalks off, the pretty girl returns to David. "So, when did you want to go out?"
The maxim "All the best men are taken" is doubly true. If a man is already taken by a woman, then by definition, he's the best man - or certainly a more desirable man. If the exact same man is not taken, then his value is questionable - he's certainly not as desirable as a man who as already received the stamp of approval from another woman's Detective Agency.
There's a scene in Legally Blonde where Elle Woods returns home to campus and notices her awkward friend David trying to pick up a pretty girl. "You're a dork," replies the girl. "Girls like me don't go out with guys like you." Elle hurries over to David and slaps him. "Why didn't you call me? We spent a beautiful night together and I haven't heard from you since." David plays along as the pretty girl watches attentively. After Elle stalks off, the pretty girl returns to David. "So, when did you want to go out?"
The maxim "All the best men are taken" is doubly true. If a man is already taken by a woman, then by definition, he's the best man - or certainly a more desirable man. If the exact same man is not taken, then his value is questionable - he's certainly not as desirable as a man who as already received the stamp of approval from another woman's Detective Agency.
The popularity cue is prominent in romance novels, though it may find its most classic expression in the Cinderella fairy tale. The prince is sought after by all the ladies of the kingdom - including the bitchy stepsisters - but the glass slipper only fits one girl, the oppressed maid Cinderella. In the romance novel Heaven, Texas by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, the hero is a famous professional football player. The heroine is a rather mousy spinster and virgin who's spent most of her life working in nursing homes. Nobody though she stood a chance with the popular hometown hero. The hero himself said she wasn't his type and didn't expect to stay with her even after they started sleeping together. But even though he can have any woman in town, the virgin's Magic Hoo Hoo captures his full attention and he ends up falling for her.
"Got These Hoes Hugh Hefen' Me" - Camarada From Tha Ava (Conrad From The Ave)
Popularity cues are one reason many women find married men so attractive. The fact that another woman's Detective Agency has already completed her assiduous detective work and endorsed a man is valuable information. If the man had something to hide, surely the wife's Miss Marple would have ferreted it out. But for the men who are the subject of the popularity cue, it's the case of the rich getting richer. Former playboy playmate Kendra Wilkinson chronicles her first sexual encounter with Hugh Hefner in the Playboy Mansion:
One of the girls asked me if I wanted to go upstairs to Hef's room...It seemed like every other girl was going, and if I didn't it would be weird. One by one, each girl hopped on Hef and had sex with him...for about a minute. I studied their every move. Then it was my turn...it was very weird. I wasn't thinking about how much older Hef was - all the body parts worked the same. I wanted to be there.
Men who are awkward loners or social rejects have a major strike against them in the view of the Detective Agency, unless they offer compensating cues. "Omega" heroes - comedians, art thieves, and nerdy geniuses - rarely show up in romances though, as with Beta heroes, they have their OWN devoted following. Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an omega, as is the thief Gawain Lammergeier in Claire Delacroix's The Scoundrel. Alpha heroes who are dominant in the society of men and desired by the society of women are far more common, and far more appreciated by Miss Marple.
The solitary hunter Elmer Fudd is not receptive to the popularity cue. Other men's opinions about the attractiveness of a woman plays no role in the level of man's desire; indeed, men often prefer that other men had less interest in a potential partner in order to leave her more accessible. The fewer competing wabbit-hunters, the better.
When women are not competing for mates, they frequently solicit one another's opinions on men, relationships, sexuality, health, dieting, fashion, and especially one another's feelings - what we might call informational cues. The Detective Agency always craves information to make good long-term investment decisions - and the more information, the better. We saw how women dominate social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and Bebo...
- I want what she's having: Men gain greater attractiveness to women by being seen in the presence of a beautiful female than vice versa. Meta-analysis of mate choice copying in humans. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40750-018-0099-y …

No man can force a woman to climax if her body does not want to. A competent man simply helps her to climax when she does want an orgasm. A less competent man forces her to do much more for herself via masturbation and nocturnals. An experienced and competent man is therefore a help, not a threat. But there is another aspect to the female preference for more experienced males.
Basically, a woman uses a man's approach to foreplay and intercourse to gain information about him. A man who is able to arouse a woman and stimulate her to orgasm signals that he does have past experience of other females. This tells her that other women have also found him attractive enough to allow intercourse. The more effectively he stimulates her the more experienced he should be — and hence the greater the number of women who have so far found him to be attractive. Mixing her genes with his, therefore, may produce sons or grandsons who are also attractive to women, hence increasing her reproductive success.
Interestingly, the females of some species of birds are also known to use this yardstick during mate selection. If a female sees one or more other females mating with a particular male, she also is more likely to mate with him. So being seen to be attractive to other females is an attractive male trait in its own right.http://evolbiol.ru/docs/docs/large_files/spermwars.pdf
There is evidence that females of a species as varied guppies, Japanes medaka, black grouse, and Japanese quail prefer to mate with males who have recently mated. Females use other females' choice of males as evidence of their genetic quality; in other words, they copy each other. And some suggest that human females might do the same.
The idea is simple: If a woman meets a strange man, she has no basis on which to form an opinion of him. He can be a high-quality man, or he can be a low-quality man; she just doesn't know. However, if he has a wife, that means that at least one woman, who presumably closely inspected his quality before marrying him, found him good enough to marry. So he couldn't be that bad after all; at least one woman found him desirable. So being married (the presence of a wife) is one cross-culturally transportable ornamentation or lekking device that signifies men's superior mate value.
I Need To Be Faster With The Fast Girls, Leanne!


Then there is that occasionally baffling question of why we pick a particular person for a spouse...David Buss...puts it: "Underneath we are driven by the same desires: men place a premium on appearance, while women seek providers of resources and status." In general, a man tends to seek a woman who will be fertile and provide him with many offspring who, in turn, will pass on his genes to future generations. A woman desires the same goal though she faces a problem that does not affect a man. His investment in creating a pregnancy amounts to a contribution of sperm, an input that can take very little time and effort (as women constantly point out). But for a woman, after fertilization, there is a period of gestation that lasts nine months and which is usually followed by a term of breast-feeding, which in our hunter-gatherer past would have lasted several years. Weighed down by dependent children, women would have desperately needed the support of partners, as their tribe roamed through foraging territories or followed herds of reindeer or caribou. This requirement has resulted in a form of biological conditioning that governs our unconscious attitude to mate selection. A woman seeks generosity, maturity, and social status. The search is for someone who will invest time, energy, and assets when she is pregnant or breast-feeding and who will later contribute to the rearing and caring of her children as they grow up. Age is not particularly important because a man can father children in his forties, fifties, sixties, and beyond. What is sought is stability, a man who will stay and nourish a relationship, and also provide resources to keep the family secure and healthy. What is to be avoided is a partner who cuts and runs, leaving a woman holding the baby. It is a search for "dads not cads"...
...a woman's attractiveness, according to men, is rated according to her appearance - the more voluptuous the better. And the reason is fairly simple. Clear skin, full lips, good muscle tone - all signal one thing - that a woman is fertile and capable of bearing those children that a man instinctively desires...Buss has investigated a total of thirty-seven cultures, from the Gujarati of India to the college students of America, from the people of Zambia to the citizens of Tokyo, and responses to his questions - What do you want from a man? and What do you seek in a woman? - have been uniform: men seek younger, physically attractive women, while women want partners who are mature and affluent. (These two "urges" - male and female - explain, say evolutionary psychologists, the fact that women tend to marry slightly older men, a propensity repeated in societies across the world, though with some interesting variations according to culture. In the U.S.A. both women and men state a preference for an age difference of about three years between spouses: in Colombia, it is five years; and in Zambia, seven years.) (African Exodus)
I Need To Be Faster With The Fast Girls, Leanne!


best way to interpret the sex differences we're about to examine is
through the adaptive lens of "parental investment theory." There are
many complex layers of caveat and detail to the biologist Robert
Triver's classic evolutionary theory, but its basic ideas (and those now
excepted by experts as truisms) have to do with costs of casual sex
being unequal for males and females. (And note that the theory clarifies that our sexual brains work the way they do today as the result of conditions faced by our ancestors tens of thousands of years ago when they first evolved - a time when birth control and prophylactics weren't anywhere to be had.)
are born with a finite number of eggs (one to two million on average)
and can bear only a finite number of offspring before reaching
menopause. Pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding all place tremendous
demands on the female body. Furthermore, nine long months of gestation,
several of which can make women largely dependent on others for their
survival, are followed by a period of infertility while lactating that
puts them even further out of reproductive commission. For a woman in
the ancestral past to have sex (thereby placing herself at the risk of
conceiving) was therefore to have assumed a significant "cost," one that
even included the possibility of her own death through pregnancy- or
birth-related complications. Under these conditions, natural selection
favored a conservative investment strategy for her ovarian assets, which
meant women were generally wary of casual sex and relatively choosy
about their sexual partners...
bodies, on the other hand, produce around eighty-five million sperm
cells per day, per testicle. Over the course of an average life span,
that adds up to more than a quadrillion gametes. With virtually
unlimited holdings like these - and being virile on any given day of the
month, too - a bit of seminal splurging here or there wasn't "costly"
at all for our male ancestors. Rather, evolutionarily speaking, sex is
cheap for men. This is especially true, of course, since it's not the
male who could end up with an adorable but demanding little incubus
inside his body cavity growing exponentially for the better part of a
year only to be, at long last, expelled painfully out of his urethra.
Instead, if the female partner got pregnant as the result of his
three-minute time sink (the average latency for a man to ejaculate into a
vagina), then all the better for his genetic replication. Given these
factors of having gametes galore and being immune to pregnancy, the most
adaptive investment strategy for human males, so the Trivers theory
goes, involved a general penchant for casual sex and not being too picky
about one's sexual partners. (Perv)

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