But Before Your Read The Post Below, Read This Passage From PERV About The Difference Between Male And Female Sexual Arousal.
Work by the psychologist Meredith Chivers also illustrates a greater female erotic plasticity. In several studies, Chivers has found that both straight women and lesbians exhibit vaginal vasocongestion (or increased blood flow to the genitals, a response specific to female sexual arousal) to a surprising assortment of sexual stimuli. For example, a woman's genitals will respond this way not only to her preferred gender (which is to say men, for self-identified straight women and women for self-identified lesbians) but also to naked pictures of her nonpreferred gender. They'll even become demonstrably aroused at this physiological level to video footage of other species having sex, notably graphic scenes of bonobo intercourse. That last finding has been replicated, so it wasn't just some quirky, happenstance overrepresentation of female zoophiles in the study. Chivers clarifies that women aren't always consciously aware of their arousal to such stimuli. At least they report not feeling as turned on as the objective state of their genitalia would otherwise suggest. The vagina has a mind of its own, in other words; I suppose anything's possible, but farther north in the female brain, a pair of frenetic bonobos getting it on probably doesn't top most women's list of hot and sexy.
The evolutionary interpretation of these sex differences in arousal - and I'm aware of no other explanation that has been proposed - is that female genital hyper-responsiveness was biologically adaptive in the ancestral past. Back on the savannah tens of thousands of years ago, even the most unappealing sex cues would have often been followed by actual intercourse, so whether the woman wanted intercourse (it was consensual) or not (basically, rape), the capacity to become so easily physiologically aroused offered a sort of insurance policy against possible damage. Specifically, Chivers's "preparation hypothesis" posits that a woman's ready-for-anything genital arousal reduced physical injury to her reproductive organs by vaginal lubrication. "The costs of non-responding [genitally] to sexual cues, including nonpreferred cues," clarifies the psychologist Samantha Dawson, "would be expected to be much higher for women (e.g., tears and ecchymosis leading to infertility) than for men (e.g. the loss of a single reproductive opportunity)." In further support of this hypothesis, researchers have also found genital arousal to depictions of violent sexual coercion in women who consciously find the thought of rape revolting and terrifying, hardly erotic and arousing. (PERV)
Wouldn’t you explain the size and shape of the key by the size and shape of the lock? So wouldn’t it be a little more scientifically sound to hypothesize that the human penis is sized and shaped like that because it fits well into the human vagina?... You’d think that even the people who have never had intercourse would default to this explanation for the evolution of the human penis.
Much of cuckold porn consists of a well-built, well-hung black man having sex with a man's white wife while he watches. Many cuckold porn sites exclusively feature black cuckolders, such as Interracial Hotwife...In Craigslist ads posted by couples seeking a man, nearly one-third specify they want a black guy...Of particular interest in cuckold porn is the black penis. It's inevitably large, and always elicits high praise from the wife when compared to the husband's smaller organ. Why is there such a strong interest in watching black men have sex with cheating wives? There's a clue in a genre of porn without any wives - or even any women. Gay porn.
"Black guys are hot," explains Rocco. "They're the ultimate in 'you're going to suck me off,' the ultimate in 'I'm going to throw you down and manhandle you.' They're the ultimate tops. Big, strong, dominant, with a huge dick." In Chapter 7, we saw that the fourth most popular category of gay sexual searches is blacks. Gay men search for blacks even more than they search for penises or anal. Why? One clue can be found in gay porn. On It's All Gay, in videos containing a white man and a black man, black men are tops about seven out of eight times.
As revealed by online videos and stories, the black man possesses one very special quality in the imagination of both gay and straight men: dominance. But why would a straight man get more turned on by watching a dominant, masculine man have sex with his wife? What makes a man's sexual desire overcome his sexual jealousy? The science of biology offers one intriguing answer to this question.
Sperm competition.
Sperm competition.
Sperm competition refers to a variety of physiological and behavioral adaptations that enable a male's sperm to compete head-to-head with other males' sperm in the battle to impregnate a female's egg. These adaptations are found in a dazzling variety of species. The giant testicles of the chimpanzee, which can blast out an enormous volume of sperm, is one such physiological adaptation. Female chimpanzees have sex with multiple males while ovulating, so a male than can produce more sperm has a better chance of dislodging other males' sperm and a better chance of his own sperm surviving future matings. Many biologists hypothesize that the bulbous head and extended length of the human penis is another physiological adaptation. Its shape is very effective at shoveling out the sperm of any rivals. Perhaps the inevitable flaccidity men experience after ejaculation is intended to prevent men from shoveling out their own sperm.
Dogs, deer, and Kangaroos exhibit behavioral adaptations for sperm competition. If males from these species sense that a female might be exposed to sex with other males, they will exhibit premature ejaculation, more vigorous thrusting, and multiple ejaculations. Mice, owls, and beetles adjust the number of sperm they release in response to sperm competition cues. The motility of the sperm and the force of their ejaculation also depend on the perceived risk of male competition for a female. Male stickleback fish will release more sperm if they see a video of another male.
A man getting aroused by the psychological cue of cuckoldry is another behavioral adaptation. If a man believes that his sexual partner may have been with a rival, this adaptation drives him to have sex with her as quickly and as vigorously as possible. One hotwife describes her cuckolded partner's physical response: "My steady boyfriend, nicknamed IFuckAmy, is mentally strong and physically weak. He is definitely monogamous and he picks my boyfriends - they are always physically well built and fit. He watched me fuck the same guy a few times. I can tell that IFuckAmy is jealous but when he fucks me afterwards, I also noticed that his load is strong and heavy and he cums fast."
In many species, the more dominant the potential rival, the stronger the sperm competition cue and the more intense the arousal, perhaps because dominant males tend to ejaculate more vigorously than submissive males. Since black men are frequently perceived as more dominant, they may activate the sperm competition cue more effectively. British psychologist Nicholas Pound even speculates that the erect penis and the "money shot" are both visual cues of sperm competition that trigger arousal. If Pound is right, this would also explain why large penises play such a prominent role in cuckold porn, especially large black penises. (It would also underscore the penis's special role as a visual cue in the male brain.)
Sperm competition cues may also help explain another popular genre of male-targeted online porn: group sex. On the Web, group sex porn has exploded into a variety of subgenres. There are the straightforward "gang bang" sites featuring one woman and multiple men, such as Gang Bang Squad, Gang Bang Arena, and Her First Gangbang. There are "orgy" sites such as Teenage Group Sex, Orgy World Girls, and Anal Party Orgies, which feature staged group sex scenes with professional stars. There's a surging genre of "party" porn such as Frat House Fuck Fest, Party Hard Core, and In the VIP - sites that portray real college parties or nightclubs where girls have raucous sex in front of large crowds, often with multiple partners. A similar "reality" group sex genre features amateurs having group sex without any audience, such as Dare Dorm, Russian Orgy, and Frat House Hazing.

"3 At The Foot, 3 At The Head!" - Inky "Winky Write" Johnson
"3 At The Foot, 3 At The Head!" - Inky "Winky Write" Johnson
The bottom line: Short of the one-on-one scenario, women seem to have a penchant for multiple male partners (at least when fantasizing) and especially so when maximally fertile. The Weather Girls and Miquel Brown captured this preference quite vividly in their respective classic disco hits “It’s Raining Men” and “So Many Men So Little Time”!
Nicholas Pound conducted a series of studies using videos portraying "polyandrous sexual activity" (in other words, gang bangs and group sex). He discovered that men are consistently more aroused by multiple men than by multiple women or by a man and a woman. Another piece of online evidence for sperm competition cues in group sex porn is the marked asymmetry in the gender of group sex participants. Many Web sites feature large numbers of men but only one woman, such as Buck Orgy, 10 Man Cum Slam, and 15 on 1. But the site with the highest female to male ratio is Fuck Team Five. This site's videos feature between three and five professional actresses who often please one lucky guy. But, tellingly, the videos just as often show the Fuck Team actresses with groups of guys. Though threesome Web sites featuring two ladies and one man are certainly popular, Fuck Team Five is the only multi-female, one-male gang bang site on the Alexa Adult List. In contrast, there are 381 multi-male, one-female gang bang sites on the list...
A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships. Ogas, Gaddam, p.183-185
The facial is an erotical illusion that merges the visual with the psychological. Specifically, facials juxtapose three sexual cues within a single stimulus: the penis (a visual cue), the ejaculation (which may be a sperm competition cue or possibly a cued interest in some men), and - most important - the woman's emotional reaction, which may be a psychological cue of female pleasure (if she expresses delight) or a psychological cue of sexual submission (if she expresses surprise or dismay).
It's a way of adding an emotional commentary on the ejaculation, a kind of pornographic emoticon that guides and enhances the reaction of the male sexual brain. In contrast, ejaculating on a woman's stomach, chest, or butt does not provide the same psychological cue, even if a woman is moaning with pleasure.
This juxtaposition of psychological cues with visual cues has been developed into a cinematic technique adopted by more sophisticated pornographers, such as the French director Herve Bodilis. He frequently uses split screens to simultaneously show close-ups of female anatomy or male ejaculation on one side and a close-up of a woman's facial expressions on the other. In his Russian Institute series, there is a scene where the left screen shows a close-up of two women's hands masturbating a large penis, while the right screen shows the two women's faces pressed together, smiling with delight at the unseen man - a Mona Lisa - like erotical illusion that induces a perceptual shift depending on exactly where you look.
One type of porn intensifies the effect of the facial erotical illusion: bukkake. Bukkake consists of multiple men simultaneously ejaculating on one woman's face. Bukkake offers the same sexual cues as a one-man facial - namely, the penis, the ejaculation, and the emotional reaction of the woman - but adds two more. First, bukkake repeats the same set of cues each time a new man ejaculates on a woman, repeatedly activating the novelty cue in quick succession. Second, the multiple men likely trigger sperm competition cues, and perhaps the copious semen does as well.
A similar effect is achieved through video editing. The seventh most common search on PornHub is for "compilations." A compilation is an edited collection of brief clips around some theme, such as facials, large breasts, or anal sex. "Cumshots" are the most common theme for a compilation; the most popular cumshot compilation on PornHub consists of thirty separate ejaculations edited into a three-minute video. A compilation is basically a staccato succession of similar cues. It's like getting the Uno's appetizer sampler. You get a collection of highly cravable bite-sized morsels you can pop into your mouth, one after another: potato skins, nachos, chicken fingers, onion rings, chicken wings.The idea of enhancing erotic pleasure by duplicating cues is also found in a surprising kind of female erotica.
A Billion Wicked Thoughts: What the Internet Tells Us About Sexual Relationships. Ogas, Gaddam, p. 226-227
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